
Europe's most HOT laser beauty craze

Laser skin in foreign markets, especially in Europe and America's premier consumer popularity index. "50 years of age, 30 year-old look" is one goal.

Currently, fractional laser skin technology in the development and application at home and abroad have carried out a very prosperous, world-wide variety of fractional laser instrument after another, it can be said fractional laser set off a new wave laser development history .

Europe and the United States on health and elderly wrinkle in great demand, even if the men are no exception, people in the past rely on cosmetics and skin care products for wrinkle effect of increasing efficiency micro. Thereafter, wrinkle surgery, cosmetic laser, photorejuvenation, wrinkle injections and other therapies have emerged. The laser technology in recent years in European countries set off a non-invasive, non-surgical wrinkle craze. From a variety of data shows that a growing number of celebrities in the entertainment industry business politics underwent laser wrinkle treatment, wrinkle effect it is also a pleasure.

Jiguang child rejuvenation, IPL rejuvenation, after the composite IPL, fractional laser skin become a whole new generation of technology, open a new era of non-invasive skin representatives of technology.

In the United States, fractional laser technology is the latest hottest, most talked about is the global skin community the latest skin care technology. The first to benefit as a high-end beauty family fashion, film and television star, royal dot laser is to have a good pet. A considerable number of foreign artists or celebrities have on the interview program to unlock secrets, respect rejuvenation, beautiful weapon by modern high-tech medical beauty technology - fractional laser noninvasive skin.

California medical cosmetic medical practitioners DWIGHT HISCOX.MD said: "The fractional laser skin noninvasive skin treatment system represents two ways of bringing together the advantages of having a very significant effect invasive laser, but also has a comfortable and non-invasive methods of treatment safety line. to have fine wrinkles, skin tightening and improvement need to be patient photoaging, it is easy to meet. "

